Welcome to Bassetsbury Manor Bowls Club. Established in 1955.
The 2025 outdoor season will soon be upon us which we hope prove to be yet another successful and enjoyable one. We are continually recruiting for 2025 and pleased to see the return of all our existing members plus some new faces.
Although restrictions have been lifted we must however still comply with any Covid instructions put in place by the government should they consider it a necessity.
Any further guidance from Bowls England regarding rules and restrictions will be put in place should we be required to do so.
Bassetsbury Manor Bowls Club was established in 1955 and is situated in the heart of High Wycombe with easy access from all surrounding areas . Bowls is a relaxing, leisurely activitiy for all ages. Meeting friends, having a gentle roll up is always available. If you want the more competitive side of the game, we are members of two area Leagues and also play in a County League. Every season we have our own Club Competitions and members can enter National of County Competitions. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WITH FULL DETAILS UPON ENQUIRY. A special introductory rate of £65/year for any new member. Coaching included for those of you who have never played bowls before.
For more information please call John Day
Tel : 01494-523049
Mob : 07518192935
Email : jday67@hotmail.co.uk or use Contact Us link.